História do Diecast

Releia ou leia pela primeira vez essas fantásticas matérias que já apareceram por aqui (clique nas matérias para ver as postagens):

A curta história da CM's

• A História da Oxford

• A história da Auto World

A história dos carros de metal da Revell

Tudo sobre a NewRay

Os carros e a história da Spark

Você conhece a Grani And Partners?

A História da Winner's Circle

A História da Benbros

O Passado e o Presente da Jada Toys

A história da Racing Champions

A história da ERTL

A história da Budgie

As miniaturas da Lego!

Os antigos Tootsie Toys

Os carros da Bandai!

Os fantásticos carros da Konami!

Hot Wheels (1968 a 1994)

Hot Wheels Five Pack

Os carros da série Hot Wheels Elite

A história da parceria entre a Hot Wheels e o McDonald's

Hot Wheels New Model/First Edition

Hot Wheels Vintage Racing

A novata Tarmac Works e suas belas miniaturas!

• Hot Wheels Delivery Sweet Rides

Hot Wheels Delivery

Hot Wheels Datas Comemorativas

Hot Wheels Ferrari Racer

Encontro Matchbox - Albuquerque, Novo México, julho 2017

Matchbox - os "Anos Tyco"

As miniaturas e dioramas da TINY

Kyosho - Motocicletas

Hot Wheels Designer's Challenge

A história da Schuco

Hot Wheels 2009: Cop Rods

• Hot Wheels 2009: Fire Rods

Hot Wheels 2009: Military Rods

Hot Wheels Dragstrip Demons 2009 (parte1/2)

• Hot Wheels Dragstrip Demons 2009 (parte2/2)

Hot Wheels Connect Cars 2009 (parte 1/2)

Hot Wheels Connect Cars 2009 (parte 2/2)

Hot Wheels Street Show - 2007

Matchbox - Edição Comemorativa de Sessenta Anos da Marca

Johnny Lightning - Volkswagen

Johnny Lightning - Military Muscle

Hot Wheels Speed Machines

Hot Wheels IZOD IndyCar

Hot Wheels Racing 2012

Matchbox Star Car

Johnny Lightning - Dioramas

Johnny Lightning - Espaço

• Johnny Lightning - Hollywood on Wheels

Hot Wheels - Editor's Choice

Hot Wheels Final Run

Matchbox Lesney Edition 2010

• Matchbox Lesney Edition 2011

Matchbox Supreme Hero

Hot Wheels Star Trek

Hot Wheels Action Pack

Johnny Lightning Toys'R Us

Matchbox - Jurassic Park e Jurassic World

Hot Wheels 40 anos

Hot Wheels KB Toys' Cop Rods

Matchbox Best of British

Matchbox Road Blasters - Motor Lords X Turbo Force

Matchbox Commando: Strike Team e Dagger Force

Lone Star


My First Matchbox

Matchbox - Protótipos - Parte I

Matchbox - Protótipos - Parte II

Matchbox Regular Wheels - Raros

Matchbox Lesney Superfast - Raros - parte 1/2

• Matchbox Lesney Superfast - Raros - parte 2/2

Matchbox Superfast - Variações pouco usuais de modelos e rodas

Dinky Toys

Matchbox - "Personagens"

Matchbox Barrett Jackson

Hot Wheels Modern Classics - 2008

A história da Buby

A história da Muky

Roly Toys

Hot Wheels - Star Wars 2015

Johnny Lightning British Invasion

Johnny Lightning Yesterday and Today

Johnny Lightning - Truckin' America

• Johnny Lightning - Truckin' America (2008)

Matchbox Then And Now Toys 'R Us

Matchbox 50 anos

Matchbox First Editions - Primeiras Edições

Johnny Retro

Matchbox Swop Tops

Matchbox Dream Machines

Tema Toys


Matchbox Battle Kings (2-Packs)

Matchbox Show Stoppers/Motor Show

Johnny Lightning - Funny Car Legends

Johnny Lightning - James Bond

Majorette Vintage

Matchbox - Especiais Alemães

Matchbox Hot Stocks And Super Trucks

Matchbox - Série BP (British Petroleum)

Matchbox Originals

Matchbox Especiais do mercado Target

Matchbox Ultra Models

Majorette série Deluxe

Majorette WRC Cars 2019

Matchbox Stars of Germany

Matchbox Euro Edition

Matchbox Fast Food Toys

Matchbox Laser Wheels

Regular Wheel Gift Sets 1960

Matchbox Matchcaps

Matchbox Michael Fisher Art

Matchbox INC Construction

Matchbox National Parks

Matchbox Forest Service

Matchbox Lesney Exclusivos de Hong Kong

Johnny Lightning Tow And Go

Hot Wheels "O Estranho Mundo de Jack" 25 anos depois

Hot Wheels Car Culture Japan Historics

Top Speed

Matchbox Swiss Collection

Matchbox Super Kings Farm Set

Matchbox Super King Construction Set

Matchbox Super King Emergency Set

Matchbox Collector's Choice

Matchbox New Super Kings

Matchbox Dinky I

• Matchbox Dinky II

Matchbox Dinky III

Matchbox Dinky IV

Matchbox Dinky V

Matchbox Dinky VI

Matchbox Dinky VII

Matchbox Dinky VIII

Dinky 2005

Dinky Atlas I

• Dinky Atlas II

• Dinky Atlas III

Dinky Atlas IV

Matchbox Especiais do mercado Target

Mattel Speed Machines 1983

Matchbox - Série Ford Trucks exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Série Chevrolet Trucks 100 Years exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Série Camouflage exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Série Shark Week exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Série Land Rover exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Série Jeep exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Candy Series exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Série Mercedes-Benz exclusiva EUA

Matchbox - Dragon Racing Team


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